Numerous institutions are already using ISIDOR as a central tool
ISIDOR takes on a variety of tasks:

Read here how ISIDOR solves our customers’ current challenges:

Michael Schallner
Head of Central Human Resources,
Diocese of Innsbruck
“I associate Westernacher Solutions with reliability, flexibility and humor – even when things get difficult – and a keen interest in customer needs.
The Diocese of Innsbruck has relied on the ISIDOR database since 2018. Over the past seven years, we have worked together on many projects relating to our
data management, shipping methods and the external presentation of our data. Our enthusiasm was so great that we are now also mapping religious education with its complexity and the necessary duty of care in ISIDOR.”

Alexander Schlüter
Head of the Canon Law Department,
Archdiocese ofPaderborn
“ISIDOR is a data hub tailored to our needs that provides information from all structural levels, facilities and contacts at a glance.
The automated creation of the diocesan personnel directory is just as feasible for us on this basis as the precise forwarding of information to mail and postal distribution lists.”

Deacon Dr. Martin Faatz
Head of the Central Tasks Department in the Episcopal Ordinariate ofWürzburg
“ISIDOR knows church and understands church. The database has been developed for church structures from the very beginning.
In the beginning, we contributed our expertise as the Diocese of Würzburg. Today, a growing community is driving development forward. The shoe simply fits. We benefit from this every day, from the central administration to the parish offices.”

Jonas Wangen
Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD),
“Isidor understands the structure of the church better than any other provider on the market. Offices, bodies, committees, appointments and much more can be found in this structural database.
For the EKD, it is an indispensable tool for central address and distribution management.”

Tina Huppmann
Diocese of Fulda, Chancery Department
“ISIDOR has been in use for over 10 years and is an indispensable tool for the Diocese of Fulda.
Central address and information database, digital personnel schematism, mapping of the diocese structure in curia and territory and much more – our users benefit daily from ISIDOR as a central data hub.
Additional interfaces enable data protection-compliant and automatic data transfer to other systems and save resources thanks to centrally controlled data maintenance.”